Moving Pictures

Movement in films can have a powerful impact on the viewer. It teaches empathy and perseverance when the character is struggling. No dialogue is necessary. We root for that character as he or she finds a way to keep going, pushing through the obstacles, and using the doubters as fuel. (SPOILER-ALERT) Rocky Balboa, working his ass off to be a champion is one of the most inspirational moments in film for me. I remember as a child, cracking open eggs and drinking them raw to be like Rocky. Paulie upsets Rocky, so Rocky begins pounding his taped fist against a side of beef in a walk-in refrigerator. Struggling to run up the steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Then later doing the same thing at full speed with a mob of inspired children running with him. The celebration with Rocky and all those children at the top of the steps always makes me feel great.