Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

    It seemed like an ordinary morning in the life of John Jennings as he stood from his bed with a large stretch. He could hear his cat meowing for attention from the other room.
John put on his robe, walked to the living room, and turned on his laptop and pet his cat.
While the computer booted, he went to the kitchen to make himself a double Keurig of Guatemalan dark roast coffee. He stared out the window watching the Stellar Jays take turns dropping out of the tree to graze. With coffee in hand, he went back to the living room, and sat at his desk.
 “Media 111 here I come!”  John said while yawning.
John clicked the link to Media 111, and everything started spinning. He did his best to stabilize his coffee, but spillage was inevitable. His arms, legs, hand, feet, fingers, toes, knees, elbows, and hair were all being pulled in different directions. A loud and calming voice came from out of nowhere and said, “Don’t Panic!”
   The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy takes the reader on an improbable journey with Englishman Arthur Dent. When one door closes, or in this case; when one planet explodes, another door opens.  Arthur, the last remaining earthling, is taken out of his comfort zone and dropped into unfamiliar situations. Not just unfamiliar; unrecognizable. In fact, there are no words to describe what he is seeing, feeling, smelling, or touching. Arthur has no choice but to jump headfirst into a terrifying situation, after a terrifying situation. Luckily, he is not alone. An alien named Ford Prefect befriends Arthur and shows him the ropes, or in this case, the towel. This is a fun, exciting journey through the cosmos that will have you questioning everything you are reading.  At times you will have to read parts more than once to make sure you read it correctly. This book is crazy. What once seemed improbable, now seems attainable.